Having an FTP server which others can access is a dangerous thing. Allowing others to have write access is even worse. In most situations, whether anonymous FTP is enabled or not, only a small number of people should actually be able to write to the server. If you want to check if you have read and write access to a particular server I came up with a simple way in Ubuntu 12.04. This is a simple task but I go into detail because I want to definitively find out what kind of access I have, therefore I will be attempting to create a 'test' directory in every directory and based on the results will know my access
I created an FTP server locally using VSFTPD (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vsftpd). Most of the servers will not be local, so I will use FTPFS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FTPFS) to mount it locally to make things easier to work with. To do this I installed CurlFtpFS with the command 'sudo apt-get install curlftpfs
.' This is the listing of the ftp server before we try writing to it:

Assuming that the FTP server is somewhere else, first we'll mount the server locally:
curlftpfs x.x.x.x ~/local-mount-folder
x.x.x.x is the address of the FTP server, and ~/local-mount-folder is a folder YOU create on your local file system, this is where you will access the FTP server. If you get an ERROR such as "bad mount point : permission denied" try running the command as root.

At this point I can check permissions but what I really want to know is if I have write access in any directory. Additionally I have seen cases where an anonymous ftp server said I had write access everywhere but would deny any write attempts.
For loop to create directory 'created-test-dir' in every existing directory on the server:
cd ftpmount
for k in $(ls -R | grep / | cut -d ":" -f 1); do mkdir $k/created-test-dir; done;
This uses 'ls -R' which gives a recursive listing of all subdirectories and contents, and so on. You will probably see output similar to "mkdir: cannot create directory './ftpmount/created-test-dir': Operation not permitted." This is ok because we know it is attempting to write to the ftp server. With a large ftp server this may take a while but much better than manually checking permissions.

The final step is to check if/where your 'test' directory was created:
cd ftpmount
find . -name created-test-dir

This will find any directories we may have created and also give you a list of where you have write access!
This sort of thing can be very helpful during a penetration test.
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